A Few Drops of Hydrogen Peroxide: The Fight Against All Diseases or a Dangerous Trend?

Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most controversial products in the field of alternative medicine. Its antiseptic properties are widely known and it is often used to clean wounds and disinfect. However, there is also a widespread belief that hydrogen peroxide can help cure a multitude of ailments when taken internally in the form of drops. The list of these diseases is huge and includes cancer, neurogenerative diseases, joint diseases and AIDS. But can hydrogen peroxide really help improve health, or is it just a myth? Let’s find out together.

Why Do People Use Hydrogen Peroxide Internally to Prevent Disease?

why do people use hydrogen peroxide internally to prevent disease? - a few drops of hydrogen peroxide: the fight against all diseases or a dangerous trend?

Recently, hydrogen peroxide has become a popular tool for preventing many diseases. However, many people do not understand exactly how this remedy works and why it can be good for the body. The basic idea is that many diseases arise in the body due to a lack of oxygen, the so-called hypoxia. It is hypoxia that can contribute to the activation of cancer cells, bacteria and autoimmune processes. In addition, atherogenic lipoproteins in hypoxia show even more atherogenic properties, causing vascular damage.

Proponents of hydrogen peroxide claim that it can overcome hypoxia by increasing the oxygen content of the body. How? Hydrogen peroxide breaks down into oxygen and water when applied to tissues, providing the tissues with an essential oxygen supply.

This, in turn, can reduce the activity of cancer cells, bacteria and autoimmune processes, improve lipoprotein function and overall body health. In addition, some proponents of the hydrogen peroxide application theory note that it is formed in the body by immune system cells (lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils) and promotes the elimination of bacterial and viral infections pathogens, improving the body’s defenses.

Although the use of hydrogen peroxide may have its benefits, it should be remembered that it is not a universal cure for all diseases. Everybody is different, and the use of this remedy should be done only after consulting a doctor and taking into account the specifics of your health.

What Do Studies Say About the Effect of Hydrogen Peroxide on the Concentration of Oxygen in the Body?

Nowadays, most people have access to a device called a pulse oximeter, which can very affordably show the oxygen concentration in the blood. If the theory of using hydrogen peroxide to increase oxygen levels in the body were correct, then we could do an experiment and testify to this phenomenon: measure a person’s blood oxygen saturation level before taking hydrogen peroxide and then after taking the substance.

However, if a person’s blood oxygen saturation level is initially normal, then even when taking hydrogen peroxide or breathing pure oxygen, the level will not increase. Thus, if a person already has a normal oxygen situation, no increase in saturation or improvement in hypoxia will occur by taking hydrogen peroxide.

Another example: The normal oxygen intake in the body is 3.5 ml per kilogram of weight per minute. This means that a person weighing 70 kilograms will consume 250 ml of oxygen per minute. If we apply 10 drops of, say, 30% hydrogen peroxide, how many milliliters of oxygen is that? And this is done once a day. In doing so, we get much less oxygen than the body needs. Thus, the use of hydrogen peroxide to increase oxygen levels in the body has no theoretical basis and cannot be useful for the stated diseases.

What Side Effects Can Occur When Using Hydrogen Peroxide?

what side effects can occur when using hydrogen peroxide? - a few drops of hydrogen peroxide: the fight against all diseases or a dangerous trend?

But on the other hand, it is necessary to be aware of the possible dangers of using hydrogen peroxide, especially the 30-35% concentration that is often used in medical procedures. When this concentration interacts with the gastrointestinal mucosa with the help of the enzyme catalase, oxygen is produced, which can be excreted from the body through belching. However, if burping is limited, the excessive amount of oxygen can lead to the formation of bubbles in the blood vessels.

These bubbles can lead to emboli, which clog the blood vessels of the brain, heart and peripheral organs. This can cause heart attacks, strokes, and peripheral organ failure. Accidents with severe gastrointestinal chemical injuries and embolisms are common among emergency room and intensive care unit medical personnel. Therefore, it is important to know which concentrations of hydrogen peroxide are safe to use and which should be avoided. Improper use of hydrogen peroxide can cause serious illness, gastrointestinal burns, and embolisms.

Why Does the Theory of the Benefits of Internal Use of Peroxide Live on?

Using hydrogen peroxide internally has no proven effectiveness, but it is still popular with some people. So why is the theory of its benefits so enduring? One reason is the simplicity and accessibility of the explanations given by theories about acidification and alkalization of the body or lack of oxygen.

The concept of hypoxia, which is a lack of oxygen, is simple and understandable to most people. It easily explains all the diseases and risks associated with oxygen deficiency and makes such theories more convincing to some people.

In addition, people often trust their own feelings and experiences, and do not always recognize the need to consult with specialists. They may be convinced that hydrogen peroxide helps them treat many diseases and improve their health, even though there is no scientific support.

Also another reason hydrogen peroxide is popular is its availability and low cost. Many people look for alternative therapies, especially when official medicine does not produce the expected results or is too expensive. Hydrogen peroxide is available in pharmacies and health food stores and can easily be purchased without a doctor’s prescription.

However, self-medicating with hydrogen peroxide without a doctor’s advice can lead to serious health consequences. Therefore, it is important not to self-medicate and seek the advice of qualified professionals to avoid negative consequences and treat diseases in accordance with the recommendations of medical experts.


In conclusion, hydrogen peroxide, despite its popularity among some people, has no proven effectiveness and can be dangerous if used improperly. Concepts related to acidification and alkalinization of the body or lack of oxygen may explain the etioretical basis, but are not scientifically sound.

Although some people may be convinced that hydrogen peroxide helps them treat many diseases and improve their health, it is important to remember that self-treatment without a doctor’s advice can lead to serious health consequences. To avoid negative consequences and to treat diseases according to the recommendations of medical experts, it is important to consult qualified specialists.