How Water with Lemon Helps Improve Metabolism and Get an Extra Source of Vitamin C

Water is useful to drink – this fact is absolutely obvious. It hydrates the body, helps eliminate toxins and contributes to the normal functioning of all systems. However, it is equally important to know when and how to drink water. Today we will discuss such a popular habit as drinking water in the morning. This habit is basically divided into drinking plain water or drinking water with lemon.

Regardless of what your personal impressions are, if someone has tried it or is practicing it, we always try to find scientific evidence for it. Or at least substantiate it if we don’t have any clinical studies. Let’s break down whether it’s really as good as claimed, and what benefits or drawbacks drinking water in the morning might have.

Why Do Experts Recommend Starting the Day with a Glass of Water?

why do experts recommend starting the day with a glass of water? - how water with lemon helps improve metabolism and get an extra source of vitamin c

Claims about the benefits of drinking water in the morning are supported by many studies. For example, studies have shown that drinking water in the morning helps fight constipation and improves intestinal peristalsis. In addition, water helps detoxify the body, which can lead to weight loss and improved skin quality.

Adding lemon juice to water enhances the detoxification effect and can boost the immune system due to its high vitamin C content. Also, drinking water with lemon can help prevent kidney stones from forming or even help dissolve them, especially if the stones are formed from oxalates.

When it comes to water temperature, there is an opinion that warm water is more effective than cold water for stimulating digestion and boosting metabolism. Warm water also helps improve blood circulation and relaxes muscles, which can promote more efficient digestion.

However, some people prefer cold water because it can have a refreshing effect and give energy to start the day. Also, cold water can help improve metabolism because it forces the body to expend extra energy to warm it up to body temperature.

In general, the choice of water temperature depends on the preferences and needs of each individual. However, it is important to remember that it is important to drink enough water every day, regardless of temperature, to keep your body healthy and well.

Water in the Morning: An Essential Ingredient for a Healthy Lifestyle

water in the morning: an essential ingredient for a healthy lifestyle - how water with lemon helps improve metabolism and get an extra source of vitamin c

To begin with, the temperature of water has little effect on its usefulness to the body. There are no scientific studies that show that water of a certain temperature is more preferable for drinking. Therefore, when choosing the temperature of water for your morning drink, be guided by your own preferences.

Now let’s talk about whether drinking water in the morning helps the body rehydrate – restore water reserves. The answer is simple: yes, morning water can help replenish the body’s water reserves, but just like any other water you can drink during the day. The key is to keep your body’s daily fluid balance.

Next, let’s find out if drinking water helps in detoxifying the body. Yes, water can help remove toxins from the body, but there is no need to limit yourself to taking water in the morning. Drinking water throughout the day can also help improve detoxification and overall health.

Finally, let’s discuss whether drinking water can improve skin health. Indeed, if the body is sufficiently hydrated, skin can look healthier, more supple and well-groomed. Again, you don’t have to consume water only in the morning – drinking enough water throughout the day can help achieve the desired effect.

In general, drinking water is an important aspect of staying healthy and should be done throughout the day to keep your body in daily fluid balance. The choice of temperature and timing of water consumption depends on personal preference and has little to do with the health benefits of water for the body.

Why Is Adding Lemon to Water a Great Way to Get Vitamin C?

Adding lemon to water is a really useful source of ascorbic acid, which is a powerful antioxidant. Antioxidants help protect the body from free radicals, which can cause cell damage and even lead to various diseases. It is usually recommended to add half a lemon to a glass of water to get a dose of ascorbic acid. In this case, the amount of ascorbic acid is about 1.6 mg, which is enough to get the benefits of antioxidants.

However, do not rely solely on lemon as a source of vitamin C, since the amount of ascorbic acid in half a lemon is not that high. Other sources of vitamin C such as citrus fruits, kiwi, red and green peppers, strawberries, grapefruit and others should be considered in order to get the right dose. All in all, adding lemon to water is a simple and delicious way to get an extra source of vitamin C and other health benefits that can help protect the body from free radicals and cell damage.

If you have urolithiasis or have excessive amounts of oxalates in your urine, drinking water with lemon juice can be beneficial. Lemon contains citric acid, a citrate that binds to calcium in the urine, preventing the formation of calcium oxalates.

If calcium binds with oxalic acid, calcium oxalates are formed, which make up about 80% of all stones formed in the body. Drinking water with lemon in the morning can help prevent urolithiasis associated with calcium oxalate formation.

It is especially helpful for people who already have excessive amounts of oxalates in their urine or are at risk of forming them. Keep in mind, however, that drinking water with lemon is not the only method of preventing urolithiasis, and you should see your doctor to assess your risk and get individualized recommendations.

Some studies show that citric acid affects the pH of urine and makes it more alkaline. Although other studies find no such connection, some show that such a connection exists. Increasing the pH of urine is important in preventing the formation of urate stones. Uric acid stones, also called urates, may dissolve better in a more alkaline environment. If urine has a higher pH, it can prevent the formation of urate stones and help dissolve existing stones.

However, oxalate stones do not dissolve, only further formation is prevented. Stones formed from uric acid salts are quite susceptible to regression, especially with regular consumption of water with lemon, which helps to increase the pH of the urine and prevent the formation of stones from uric acid salts.


Findings from research and practice show that drinking water with lemon in the morning can have a number of health benefits for our health. In particular, it can help prevent urolithiasis and dissolve stones if they are formed from uric acid. It can also be a source of vitamin C and a means of triggering intestinal peristalsis.

However, the rest of the claims about water with lemon have no scientific basis. The important thing is that you drink enough water throughout the day, and if adding lemon to your water helps you drink more, it can only be good for your health.