How Red Cabbage Helps Normalize Microflora and Improve Health

In this article, we will look at one of the most accessible and simple foods that can have a huge impact on our health and well-being – red cabbage. While many vegetables have health benefits, there is a special component in red cabbage that makes it so unique – anthocyanins, natural dyes that give cabbage its vibrant color. These same dyes are also present in other foods such as blueberries, blueberries, black grapes and currants. Also we’ll look at the benefits of red cabbage and why it’s worth including in your diet. We’ll also cover how red cabbage can help fight disease and how eating it can help extend your youth.

Exploring the Effects of Red Cabbage Anthocyanins on the Human Body

exploring the effects of red cabbage anthocyanins on the human body - how red cabbage helps normalize microflora and improve health

Anthocyanins are natural dyes that have powerful health-promoting properties. However, not all anthocyanins are equal. For example, anthocyanins found in berries are poorly absorbed and digested by gastrointestinal enzymes. In contrast, the anthocyanins found in red cabbage have a modified chemical structure that ensures their excellent absorption in the small intestine and fermentation by bacteria in the large intestine. This promotes the growth of good bacteria and reduces the number of harmful microorganisms.

Moreover, red cabbage anthocyanins help control blood glucose levels. They block glucose absorption in the small intestine, which means that food does not cause a spike in blood sugar levels. This can be especially helpful for people with diabetes or who want to control their weight, as the decrease in glucose can reduce the desire to eat sweets.

Anthocyanins and their derivatives have a positive effect on our body’s immune system. They are fermented in the large intestine, releasing various derivatives that affect immune system cells. These cells produce pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can negatively affect the central nervous system, joints, muscles, blood vessels and heart. Overproduction of pro-inflammatory cytokines can lead to chronic systemic inflammation, which in turn can cause the body to break down as we age.

However, anthocyanins and their derivatives reduce the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can reduce chronic systemic inflammation and have a beneficial effect on our bodies. This is especially important for people who suffer from chronic diseases such as arthritis, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and other conditions associated with inflammation.

Studies also show that anthocyanins can improve cognitive functions such as memory and concentration. They may also reduce the risk of certain cancers, such as breast cancer, prostate cancer and lung cancer. Thus, regular consumption of anthocyanins found in red cabbage and other foods can have numerous positive effects on our bodies, reducing the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines and reducing the risk of certain diseases.

How Anthocyanins Interact with Insulin and Influence Blood Glucose Levels

how anthocyanins interact with insulin and influence blood glucose levels - how red cabbage helps normalize microflora and improve health

Anthocyanins can increase cell sensitivity to insulin and decrease the need for insulin, which can lower blood glucose levels. When anthocyanins interact with cells in muscle, fat and other organs, they can open wells through which glucose from the blood enters the cells. In this way, blood glucose levels are lowered and intracellular glucose levels are increased, which promotes the use of glucose in the cell for energy needs.

Elevated blood glucose levels are often accompanied by an increased release of insulin by the pancreas. This can be caused by insulin resistance, a condition in which the cells of the body do not respond properly to the action of insulin and the need for it increases. However, if anthocyanins help reduce the need for insulin, then the amount of insulin release decreases as well. This can lead to lower blood insulin levels, which in turn can reduce the risk of insulin resistance and other diseases associated with high insulin levels. Thus, anthocyanins can have positive effects on human health, including blood glucose and insulin levels. Eating them regularly can help reduce the risk of insulin resistance, obesity, inflammation and other diseases.

High levels of insulin can have serious negative effects on the body, but anthocyanins can help reduce these levels. When anthocyanins enter a cell, they activate an intracellular complex called adenosine monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK). This complex triggers autophagy processes, which help cleanse cells of harmful substances, and blocks the m-tor1 complex, which can lead to premature aging and the development of cancerous tumors.

Current research is focused on prolonging human and animal life by blocking the m-tor1 complex. One drug that may help block this complex is rapomycin, but it is still in clinical trials and has not been fully investigated. Some people are already using it at their own risk, including for their pets, to prolong their lives.

However, using anthocyanins is safer because they affect the m-tor1 complex and have no adverse effects. For example, red cabbage and berries, which contain anthocyanins, have been consumed by people for centuries and have not caused any ill effects.


In conclusion, we can summarize that anthocyanins are a useful nutrient that can be obtained from a variety of foods such as berries, grapes and red cabbage. They have properties that help lower insulin levels, activate intracellular mechanisms and block the m-tor1 complex, which can help prolong life and prevent various diseases, including cancer.

Red cabbage is the most valuable source of anthocyanins because they are in a more stable form and can withstand heat up to 80 degrees. Therefore, eating red cabbage several times a week can greatly increase our health and well-being.