How Many Calories in Feta Cheese?

Knowing the nutritional makeup of the foods we eat is crucial when it comes to keeping an eye on our caloric intake. Many people wonder how many calories feta cheese contains because it is a common ingredient in many salads and Mediterranean dishes.

You’ve come to the right place if you’re interested in learning how many calories in feta cheese and how it fits into your overall diet. Each ounce (28 grams) of feta cheese typically has 75 calories. In this article, we’re going to look at its nutritional profile, talk about its potential health advantages, and provide advice on how to include this delectable cheese in a healthy diet.

Feta Cheese Nutrition Facts

feta cheese nutrition facts - how many calories in feta cheese?

Here are some important details about feta cheese’s nutritional profile:

  • Calories: In comparison to some other cheeses, the calories in feta cheese are fairly moderate. It has about 75 calories (28 grams) per ounce on average.
  • Fat content: Feta cheese is regarded as a high-fat cheese. Per ounce, it typically has 6 grams of fat. Monounsaturated and saturated fats make up the majority of the fat in feta cheese.
  • Protein: With about 4 grams of protein per ounce, feta cheese is a good source of protein. Protein is necessary for the synthesis and repair of tissues and is involved in a number of bodily processes.
  • Calcium: Calcium is essential for maintaining healthy bones and teeth, and feta cheese is a great source of it. It helps you meet your daily calcium needs by providing about 140 milligrams of calcium per ounce.
  • Sodium: The sodium content of feta cheese is frequently quite high. Each ounce usually contains between 300 and 400 milligrams of sodium. Those who must keep their sodium intake in check ought to consume it in moderation.
  • Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): With about 0.2 milligrams of riboflavin per ounce or 0.7 milligrams per 100 grams, feta cheese is a good source of the vitamin. The maintenance of healthy skin, eyes, and a functioning nervous system as well as the synthesis of energy depend on riboflavin.
  • Phosphorus: Phosphorus, a mineral necessary for healthy bones and proper energy metabolism, can be found in reasonable amounts in feta cheese. It has about 351 milligrams of phosphorus per 100 grams, or about 100 milligrams per ounce.
  • Vitamin B12: Vitamin B12, which is found in feta cheese, is essential for DNA synthesis, nerve function, and the production of red blood cells. Per ounce, or 1.4 micrograms per 100 grams, it offers about 0.4 micrograms of vitamin B12.
  • Selenium: Selenium, an anti-oxidant mineral that supports thyroid and immune system health, is a trace element found in feta cheese. On average, it offers 11 micrograms of selenium per 100 grams or 3 micrograms per ounce.
  • Vitamin B6: Vitamin B6, which is found in feta cheese, is essential for many biochemical processes in the body, including the synthesis of neurotransmitters and the metabolism of proteins. It offers about 0.3 milligrams of vitamin B6 per 100 grams, or 0.1 milligrams per ounce.
  • Zinc: Zinc, an important mineral involved in cell growth, wound healing, and immune function, is found in trace amounts in feta cheese. About 1.2 milligrams of zinc are typically provided per ounce, or 4.2 milligrams per 100 grams.

Health Benefits of Feta Cheese

health benefits of feta cheese - how many calories in feta cheese?

The potential advantages of feta cheese for health are discussed in detail and with information here. Popular in Mediterranean cooking, feta cheese has a number of potential health advantages in addition to giving food a delicious, tangy flavor. Here are a few of the feta cheese’s notable health advantages:

A number of important nutrients can be found in feta cheese. It contains riboflavin (vitamin B2), zinc, selenium, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, calcium, and phosphorus in addition to protein. These nutrients are essential for maintaining healthy skin, eyes, and nerves as well as healthy bones, energy metabolism, immune system, and immune function.

There are roughly 140 milligrams of calcium in one ounce of feta cheese. To develop and maintain healthy bones and teeth, calcium is necessary. Getting enough calcium can promote healthy bones and lower the risk of osteoporosis.

With 4 grams of protein per ounce, feta cheese has a comparatively low protein content. The development, maintenance, and repair of body tissues all depend on protein. Including foods high in protein in your diet, such as feta cheese, can support the health of your muscles and increase feelings of fullness, which can help you manage your weight.

Traditionally, sheep’s milk or a combination of sheep’s and goat’s milk is used to make feta cheese. Similar to other dairy products that have undergone fermentation, it may contain healthy bacterial strains including Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium. These probiotics may improve gut health by encouraging a healthy gut flora, assisting with digestion, and maybe boosting immunological response.

With respect to other dairy products, feta cheese has a relatively low lactose content. Due to the fact that some people with lactose intolerance may take little amounts of lactose without experiencing any negative effects, this makes it possibly ideal for those who suffer from the condition. Individual tolerances may differ, therefore it’s crucial to pay attention to your body and seek medical advice as necessary.

Although feta cheese does contain sodium, the amount might differ between brands. It’s vital to choose reduced sodium options or moderate your overall sodium intake, especially if you have high blood pressure or want to eat less salt. Feta cheese may be a tasty and adaptable complement to a variety of foods. It goes great with a variety of Mediterranean-inspired dishes, salads, sandwiches, wraps, omelets, and pasta. Your meals’ flavor, texture, and overall enjoyment can all be improved by adding feta cheese.

While feta cheese may provide certain health advantages, it’s vital to remember that everyone has different dietary requirements and tastes. Consult with a healthcare provider or certified dietitian for individualized guidance if you have particular health issues or dietary limitations.

Furthermore, because feta cheese has a high calorie and fat content, it’s important to eat in moderation when ingesting it. The key to obtaining the potential benefits while maintaining overall dietary balance is incorporating moderate amounts as part of a well-balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods. Overall, feta cheese can be used in moderation as part of a healthy diet and add taste to meals while possibly having some health benefits.