How to Know If You Have Food Allergies: Tips and Advice

Food allergies are a common disease that affects many people. In this case, the manifestations of the allergy can be very diverse: from mild skin rashes and itching to severe laryngeal edema and life-threatening anaphylactic shock. The only effective method of eliminating food allergies is to eliminate the allergen from your diet.

However, special allergy tests and examinations are needed to determine which product causes the allergy. In this article, we will look at how to recognize food allergies, what foods can cause allergic reactions, and how to eliminate the allergen from your diet to achieve a full recovery.

The Most Common Food Allergens

the most common food allergens - how to know if you have food allergies: tips and advice

A food allergy is an acute reaction of the immune system to certain food components called allergens. Overactivity of the immune system leads to the production of large amounts of antibodies that try to protect the body from the perceived danger. As a result, chemical reactions begin in the body, which can lead to a variety of symptoms, from mild skin rashes to life-threatening anaphylactic shock.

As mentioned, any food can be an allergen. However, the most common allergens are proteins. Therefore, foods containing large amounts of protein may cause allergic reactions more often than others. Among the most common allergens in children are milk, eggs, wheat flour, peanuts and soy. Adults are most often allergic to seafood and nuts.

However, you should keep in mind that everybody is different and reacts differently to allergens. In addition, some people may have allergic reactions even to products that are not on the list of the most common allergens. Therefore, in order to determine what exactly you are allergic to, you need to see an allergist and conduct special examinations.

If you have a food allergy, you need to completely eliminate the allergenic product from your diet. Also, you need to consider that some products may contain hidden allergens, so it is important to read labels on packages carefully and go for products that you know for sure do not cause you an allergic reaction.

What Types of Food Allergies Are There?

what types of food allergies are there? - how to know if you have food allergies: tips and advice

Food allergies can come in several types, which differ in symptoms and the timing of the reaction. One type of food allergy is the immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions, which occur immediately after the food is consumed. These reactions can occur within minutes or even seconds and can be very serious. They can include laryngeal edema, quincke’s edema, anaphylactic shock and various skin rashes affecting up to 100% of the body.

The most common rashes caused by immediate hypersensitivity reactions are atopic dermatitis or eczema in nature. These rashes may appear as red spots, itching, and dry skin. In more severe cases, they can lead to blisters, cracks, and crusts on the skin. Often, immediate-type hypersensitivity reactions occur with milk, eggs, nuts, and seafood, but can also occur in response to any other food product.

The second type of food allergy, also referred to as delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions, differs from the first in that allergy manifestations do not appear immediately after consuming the allergen, but several days or even weeks later. This manifests itself mainly in the form of skin rashes, which gradually progress and may merge with each other. However, delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions can also be accompanied by gastrointestinal disorders such as chronic abdominal pain, diarrhea, gastritis and enteritis.

Such reactions can be caused by various allergens, including food additives, antibiotics, and certain fruits and vegetables. Skin manifestations in the form of atopic dermatitis or eczema are also common. Delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions may be difficult to diagnose, because the manifestations may be ambiguous and appear sometime after the allergen has been consumed. It is important to note that delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions are not as dangerous as immediate-type reactions, but they can have a significant effect on a person’s quality of life by causing discomfort and painful sensations.

The third type of food allergy is called the mixed type because it combines the manifestations of both types of allergic reactions. In this case, skin rashes, swelling and other manifestations of the allergy may appear either immediately or delayed, making it difficult to diagnose and treat. Often the mixed type of allergy manifests as chronic skin conditions such as atopic dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, as well as gastrointestinal disorders such as diarrhea, nausea and vomiting.

Hypersensitivity reactions can have different mechanisms of development. Immediate-type reactions are caused by a direct exposure of the allergen to class E immunoglobulins, resulting in the release of inflammatory mediators and a rapid reaction of the body. And delayed-type reactions develop through the activation of t-cells, which gradually accumulate in the tissues and cause the body’s delayed reaction to the allergen.

However, food allergies should not be confused with food intolerance, because the mechanisms of their development are different. For example, celiac disease or gluten enteropathy are caused by impaired absorption of gluten in the intestines and are directed against the intestinal tissues themselves. In this case, class G antibodies are involved, which are not related to the allergy.

How Do I Diagnose a Food Allergy?

how do i diagnose a food allergy? - how to know if you have food allergies: tips and advice

A food allergy is a serious condition that can manifest itself in a variety of ways. Unfortunately, the symptoms of food allergies are not always specific and can easily be confused with other illnesses or allergies. These can include infectious diseases, allergies to medications, household allergens and various chemicals. Even contact dermatitis caused by wearing clothes that have been washed with an unfamiliar powder can be mistaken for a food allergy.

However, there is a way to determine whether or not you have a food allergy. It requires careful observation of what you eat, what medications you take, and what new things you wear. It requires keeping a diary in which you write down all the foods you consume and any events that may cause an allergic reaction. By carefully keeping a diary, you will be able to notice the connection between your allergic reactions and any irregularities in your normal rhythm of life. This way, you’ll be able to deduce a pattern for yourself and determine if you have food allergies.

If you have suspected allergic reactions to certain foods, there are several options for determining which foods you are allergic to. One such option is a blood test, which determines concentrations of specific immunoglobulin E for certain foods. There are many tests available for hundreds of foods, so you can determine exactly what foods you are allergic to. It is important to note that this is not the same as an immunoglobulin G test for specific foods.

It is important to understand that immunoglobulin E tests do not always give a complete picture of an allergic reaction to a particular product, as the allergy may be mediated by t-cells without the involvement of immunoglobulin E. In such cases, allergy tests are performed with a small amount of allergen applied to the skin or back to check for allergies to a particular product. If redness appears at the place where the allergen is applied, it can be concluded that an allergy is present.

Unlike immunoglobulin E tests, allergy tests can detect both immunoglobulin E-mediated and T-cell mediated allergies. However, it is worth remembering that these tests are not always available and can be dangerous in the event of an allergic reaction in the form of anaphylactic shock or other severe conditions.

How Can Allergies Be Detected with an Elimination Diet?

how can allergies be detected with an elimination diet? - how to know if you have food allergies: tips and advice

If you are experiencing problems with allergies, but standard diagnostic methods do not bring results, there is another method that can help you identify the cause of unpleasant symptoms – the elimination diet. The essence of this method is that you for a week exclude from your diet all products that can cause an allergic reaction, leaving only a strictly defined set of products, which in theory should not cause any symptoms.

This approach makes sure that allergic reactions are really related to a specific product and not to other factors. At the end of the week, you can gradually introduce new foods into your diet and monitor your condition. If your symptoms return after you have introduced a certain food, this may indicate that it is the cause of the allergic reaction.

It is important to note that an elimination diet can be quite complicated and demanding, so it is advisable to contact a specialist to help you make a proper diet and make recommendations for its implementation. The first diet includes:

  • rice
  • rice flour
  • lamb
  • beet
  • lettuce
  • spinach
  • carrot
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • pear
  • olive oil
  • cotton oil
  • coffee
  • tea
  • gelatin
  • olives
  • salt

If as a result of the elimination diet within a week you notice an improvement in your condition and a reduction of allergic symptoms, you can begin to gradually introduce new foods into your diet. To do this, it is recommended that you add one new food item a day and monitor your condition. However, if after the first week of the elimination diet you have not noticed an improvement in your condition, you can apply a second diet. In this case, you should also follow it for a week.

The second diet includes foods:

  • corn
  • rye(clean)
  • asparagus
  • peas
  • zucchini
  • beans
  • tomatoes
  • bacon
  • chicken
  • apricots
  • peaches
  • pineapple
  • prunes
  • corn oil
  • cottonseed oil
  • tea
  • coffee
  • salt
  • gelatin

If after the first two stages of the elimination diet there is no improvement of the condition, it is necessary to go to the third stage. This diet also involves strict adherence to a certain set of foods for a week, and then gradually begin to add foods that are usually consumed in daily life. It includes foods:

  • beets
  • lima beans
  • potatoes (white and sweet),
  • string beans
  • tomatoes,
  • soybeans
  • bacon
  • beef
  • apricot
  • peach
  • grapefruit
  • lemon
  • olive and cottonseed oil
  • coffee
  • tea
  • juice of the listed fruits
  • salt
  • olives


In conclusion, the elimination diet method is a simple and accessible way for everyone to determine food allergies. However, for people with severe allergic reactions, like anaphylactic shock or severe bronchial asthma attack, this method should be done under the supervision of a doctor. In addition, it is important to remember that one must be careful and extremely cautious when eating outside the home, since even traces of forbidden foods can cause serious allergic reactions. Therefore, you should carefully check each product that is consumed in restaurants or guests to avoid possible complications.