The Importance of Vitamin C in Maintaining Healthy Muscles

We all want to maintain our muscle mass and stay in shape throughout our lives, but after the age of 40 we encounter a phenomenon such as sarcopenia. This is the process of losing muscle mass that occurs even with an active lifestyle.

Unfortunately, every year we lose half to one percent of our muscle mass, which can have serious consequences for our health and quality of life. But there is a way that can help with maintaining muscle mass and combating muscle loss is vitamin C. In this article, we will look at how vitamin C can help combat muscle mass loss and improve overall health.

How Vitamin C Affects Your Muscles: 3 Key Actions

how vitamin c affects your muscles: 3 key actions - the importance of vitamin c in maintaining healthy muscles

Vitamin C is an important nutrient that can have a significant impact on muscle health. According to numerous studies, vitamin C plays an important role in various processes related to muscle health and function.

One of the most important actions of vitamin C is that it improves the synthesis of carnitine, a compound that is needed to transport fatty acids inside muscle cell mitochondria. Carnitine is a critical element that contributes to energy production in muscle cells. The more carnitine present in cells, the more efficiently they produce energy, which can help improve physical endurance and the ability of muscles to perform various tasks.

In addition, vitamin C also plays an important role in protecting muscle tissue from free radicals and other harmful substances that can lead to cell damage and degeneration of muscle tissue. Vitamin C is a powerful antioxidant that helps neutralize harmful substances, thus protecting muscle tissues from damage.

Finally, vitamin C also plays an important role in the production of collagen, the main component of connective tissue, including muscle. Collagen is responsible for the elasticity and strength of tissues, which can help prevent injury and muscle damage. When vitamin C levels in the body are insufficient, collagen production is disrupted, which can lead to muscle tissue deterioration and an increased risk of injury.

Thus, vitamin C has three important actions that are essential for maintaining healthy and strong muscles. It helps improve carnitine production, protects muscle tissues from damage, and promotes collagen production.

The Relationship Between Vitamin C And Muscle Mass: What Does Research Show?

the relationship between vitamin c and muscle mass: what does research show? - the importance of vitamin c in maintaining healthy muscles

In August 2020, the Journal of Nutrition published the results of a large-scale study of 13,000 people that showed a relationship between vitamin C intake and human muscle mass. The study was conducted on participants between the ages of 42 and 82, equally male and female. The norm of vitamin C intake per day is about 85-90 milligrams, but not all people meet it. Study participants were divided into groups based on the amount of vitamin C consumed per day, which ranged from 37 to 170 milligrams.

Two methods were used to more accurately determine the amount of vitamin C in the diet of the study participants: a survey of the amount of food consumed and a measurement of the vitamin C concentration in the blood. The second method was more accurate, because in some foods the stated amount of vitamin C may differ from its actual content.

Participants’ muscle mass was measured using bioimpedance, a special scale that determines the percentage of body fat and records water, bone, fat and muscle content. The results of the study confirmed the relationship between vitamin C intake and human muscle mass, which may be useful for developing dietary recommendations and exercise programs.

To avoid bias due to the participants’ individual characteristics, the data were also linked to body mass index and took into account the participants’ habits, diet and exercise habits.

The results of the study showed that participants who consumed less vitamin C had less muscle mass, and this was especially noticeable in women. The difference in muscle mass between the group that consumed very little vitamin C and the group that consumed the most vitamin C was up to 3%. Although this may seem insignificant at first glance, the scientists pointed out that a loss of 3% muscle mass over six years is significant.

In men, the difference was not as significant, about 2%, but there was a positive correlation between vitamin C intake and muscle mass in all age groups. These results suggest that consuming enough vitamin C can help maintain muscle mass and is an important factor for health and fitness.


In summary, this large-scale study showed that there is a relationship between vitamin C intake and muscle mass. This relationship was confirmed statistically, making the results of the study valid and significant. Thus, based on the findings, vitamin C intake can be recommended not only for general health, but also for maintaining muscle mass. The results of this study may have important implications for people who participate in sports and want to maintain optimal muscle mass throughout their lives.