Safety of Coffee Consumption for Heart and Vascular Health

According to recent research, coffee can have beneficial effects on heart and vascular health if consumed in a certain amount. At the same time, many people still believe that coffee is bad for the heart and can cause discomfort. However, in most cases this is not the case. Individual reactions to coffee can vary, but when consumed correctly, coffee can have a positive effect on cardiovascular health.

In this article, we’ll look at how many cups of coffee a day can be good for your heart and blood vessels, and what mechanisms affect the body when coffee is consumed. We’ll also discuss which people should limit their coffee consumption. So, if you are a coffee drinker and want to know how it affects your cardiovascular health, then read this article all the way through!

Recent Research on the Benefits of Coffee in the Daily Diet

recent research on the benefits of coffee in the daily diet - safety of coffee consumption for heart and vascular health

This information is based on a study conducted by scientists in Australia who studied the effects of the amount of coffee consumed on cardiovascular health. For the study, they used data from the Biobank of Britain, which contains information on more than 382,000 people, mostly aged 57 years. The scientists divided the participants into two groups – those who consumed coffee and those who did not.

Study participants filled out reports on the amount and type of coffee they consumed during the day – bean coffee, instant coffee, with or without caffeine. Medical information about the participants, including information about illnesses, was also entered into the biobank. In countries where health insurance or the health care payment system is public, all data are usually stored centrally, allowing quick access to patient information.

Researchers were able to extract data on study participants over a 10-year period and then compared the participants’ incidence rates based on the number of cups of coffee they consumed daily. The results of the study provide a better understanding of how coffee consumption affects cardiovascular health and provide useful information for developing recommendations for coffee consumption.

How Does Coffee Affect Heart and Vascular Health? Analysis of Study Results

how does coffee affect heart and vascular health analysis of study results- safety of coffee consumption for heart and vascular health

Let’s look at the convention:

  • Purple indicates 0 cups of coffee per day;
  • purple indicates less than 1 cup per day;
  • dark green indicates 1 cup per day;
  • plain green means 2 to 3 cups per day;
  • light green indicates 4-5 cups per day;
  • yellow indicates more than 5 cups of coffee a day.

Let’s take a closer look at how coffee consumption affects cardiovascular health. In the first graph, you can see how the incidence of cardiovascular disease changes depending on how much coffee you drink. Over a 10-year study, it was found that the highest rates of cardiovascular disease occurred in people who did not drink coffee at all, as well as in those who drank more than 5 cups of coffee a day. At the same time, people who consumed one cup of coffee a day or 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day had about the same low rates of cardiovascular disease.

The following is a graph of congestive heart failure disease as a function of coffee consumption. The highest number of cases was in people who did not drink coffee at all, while the lowest number of cases was in the group of people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day (shown in green on the graph).

The effect of coffee consumption on the occurrence of arrhythmias is then examined. Rates of arrhythmia occurrence were also higher among those who did not drink coffee at all or drank less than 1 cup a day. The lowest rates of arrhythmia occurrence were again reported in the group of people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day.

Let’s take a closer look at the study’s findings related to coronary artery disease and stroke. In the graphs presented by our researchers, we can see that the highest incidence of coronary artery disease was seen in people who consumed more than 5 cups of coffee a day. The second highest incidence of disease was in people who did not consume coffee at all. The lowest incidence of disease was among those who consumed 2-3 cups of coffee a day.

Turning to the chart showing stroke cases, we see that the highest number of strokes occurred in people who do not consume coffee, and the lowest number occurred in people who drink less than 1 cup of coffee a day. The number of strokes in those who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day is not significantly different from those who drink less than 1 cup. Finally, looking at the chart of atrial fibrillation cases, we see that those who do not drink coffee at all suffer the most, and the lowest number of atrial fibrillation cases are those who drink 2-3 cups of coffee a day.

In addition to previous information, the study found that in people who already had a history of cardiovascular disease by the time the study began, drinking coffee in moderation was associated with a reduced risk of death. As noted, people who consumed 2 to 3 cups of coffee a day had lower mortality rates than those who had cardiovascular disease and did not consume coffee. This proves that moderate coffee consumption can have beneficial effects on heart and vascular health.

The study evaluated the effects of different types of coffee on health. It turned out that decaffeinated coffee had no effect on health, which may be due to the lack of caffeine, which is the main bioactive ingredient in coffee. However, grain coffee contains a higher concentration of polyphenols, which are antioxidants, than instant coffee, and therefore grain coffee has a more beneficial effect on health.

Overall, study results confirm that moderate coffee consumption can have positive effects on heart and vascular health, and whole grain coffee is considered the most beneficial for health. However, it is important to consider each person’s individual characteristics and to consult with a physician before changing your diet.

What Is the Reliability of the Study Results Presented?

what is the reliability of the study results presented? - safety of coffee consumption for heart and vascular health

Although this study has its shortcomings because it is an observational study, it is still of interest to us in light of the fact that it found an 8-15% reduction in cardiovascular disease rates, depending on the range of diseases studied, in people who drank 2-3 cups of coffee a day. However, it should be noted that the data was simply recorded from the participants’ words, without regard to whether they drank coffee with sugar, with cream, or with anything else.

Despite this, there is speculation that coffee affects adenosine receptors in the heart and can normalize heart rhythm. In addition, many studies, including meta-analyses, show that coffee can improve liver function, help reduce fat infiltration, reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus 2 and has many other beneficial properties.

It is important to note that this study found no causal relationship. Also, every person is different, and some may have an individual intolerance to coffee. But for those who drink coffee and like the taste, 2-3 cups of coffee a day may have a beneficial effect on their cardiovascular health. Thus, despite the shortcomings of this study, the results may serve as important information for those interested in healthy living and coffee consumption.


In conclusion, it is safe to say that coffee in moderation is not only harmless, but also has positive effects on human health. Although there is no perfect experiment, data from epidemiological studies show that drinking coffee can reduce the risk of various diseases, including cardiovascular diseases.

In addition, coffee increases energy, improves mood and improves cognitive function. We should not forget that everything depends on the individual personality of each person, so it is recommended to watch how you feel and not to abuse caffeine. In general, moderate consumption of coffee is not only safe, but can even be beneficial for health.