New Study Reveals Optimal Amount of Exercise for Increased Longevity

A study was recently published that determined the optimal amount of physical activity to increase longevity. The results of this study could be a revolutionary discovery for those who want to improve their physical fitness and enjoy life longer. In this article, we take an in-depth look at these new findings and the recommendations based on them. Let’s explore together what exercises and how much time per week we need to be physically active to live longer and enjoy life.

How to Exercise to Stay Healthy: New Recommendations Based on Research Data

how to exercise to stay healthy: new recommendations based on research data - new study reveals optimal amount of exercise for increased longevity

A recent study published in the journal Circulation included 116,000 participants who were followed for 30 years. Researchers examined the relationship between the amount of physical activity participants experienced weekly and their risk of death from cardiovascular disease, non-cardiovascular disease, and overall mortality.

The findings in the study overturned existing ideas about how much physical activity is necessary to maintain health. For example, the United States adult physical activity guidelines recommend moderate physical activity of 150 to 300 minutes per week or vigorous physical activity of 75 to 150 minutes per week.

However, these studies have shown that the optimal amount of physical activity for health and longevity may be higher. The results of the study provide new information on how one can improve their health through physical activity and may help to revise current physical activity recommendations.

For a fuller picture, another study, the Copenhagen City Heart Study, is worth mentioning. It was conducted between 1976 and 2017 and included not only runners but also other physical activity enthusiasts. The study found that moderate physical activity, such as light running, was associated with a reduced risk of many diseases, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes and even cancer.

This study looked at 154,000 runners and found that there was a certain amount of running that was associated with the greatest longevity rates. From the results of the study, it became clear that runners who run less than 90 minutes a week remain at high risk of various fatal diseases.

And those who run more than 150 minutes a week also have an increased risk of various health problems. The optimal amount of light running at a pace that allows for conversation, however, is considered 90-150 minutes per week, which promotes health and longevity.

This study also found that the level of physical activity is independent of age. That is, both young and old people can benefit from moderate physical activity. In addition, the study results showed that even a small amount of physical activity, such as 15 minutes a day, can significantly reduce the risk of developing various diseases and increase life expectancy.

It is important to note that this study only considered objective measures of physical activity, that is, the amount of exertion a person received as a result of playing sports or doing physical work. That is, walking and daily household chores were not considered.

What Is Moderate Physical Activity?

what is moderate physical activity? - new study reveals optimal amount of exercise for increased longevity

Moderate physical activity is activity that does not significantly stress your body and does not lead to significant fatigue. It is usually a level of exertion at which you are able to communicate freely and perform activities without excessive effort. Activities such as walking, light cycling, housework and gardening are examples of moderate physical activity.

However, it is important to understand that the line between moderate and vigorous physical activity can be quite blurred. Intense physical activity is the kind of activity that already causes significant stress in the body and causes fatigue. At the same time, a person can still talk, but will no longer be able to sing, for example, and it will be more difficult to negotiate.

Although moderate physical activity is considered beneficial and recommended for good health, intense physical activity can be harmful, especially for untrained people. For example, endurance athletes may face the risk of developing sudden cardiac death, arrhythmias and coronary calcinosis. This is because high exertion can put a lot of stress on the cardiovascular system and damage it.

Therefore, when planning physical activity, you should consider your level of fitness and choose moderate loads that will be good for your health. It is also important to pay attention to the recommendations of specialists and not to exercise without first consulting a doctor.

Maximum Oxygen Consumption and Its Effect on Cardiovascular Health

maximum oxygen consumption and its effect on cardiovascular health - new study reveals optimal amount of exercise for increased longevity

Maximum oxygen consumption is an important indicator of the fitness and ability of the human body to perform physical activity. It determines the amount of oxygen that the human body can absorb per unit of time and produce the energy to perform work. The higher the maximum oxygen uptake, the more oxygen the body can use, allowing it to increase endurance and do more work.

Studies show that people with high maximum oxygen uptake rates have a higher life expectancy. Those in the top 5% on this measure live an average of five years longer than people in the bottom 5% of the population with low maximum oxygen uptake. Thus, training to increase maximal oxygen consumption can improve fitness, endurance and longevity.

To develop good maximum oxygen uptake, endurance training such as running, swimming or bicycling is necessary. However, you need to exercise at a high volume to achieve results. For example, heart volume begins to grow by about 20% when one trains for at least one hour a day for a year, and this already refers to intense training.

Thus, if we exercise for one hour a day for 7 days a week, after one year we will have achieved some results in the form of an increase in maximal oxygen consumption, which should lead to an increase in longevity. However, we should keep in mind the current recommendations that running for more than 150 minutes a week is not recommended or it could be detrimental to our health. Thus, a balance must be struck between exercise and health.

The Effects of Various Types of Exercise on Human Health

the effects of various types of exercise on human health - new study reveals optimal amount of exercise for increased longevity

For 30 years, there have been studies that have uncovered interesting data on how physical activity affects people’s health. The study found that people who exercise within the norm, which is 75 to 150 minutes of vigorous physical activity per week, had 31% fewer cardiovascular deaths, 15% fewer deaths from non-cardiovascular diseases, and 19% fewer overall deaths from all diseases, compared to people who did not exercise at all.

However, when the researchers analyzed data from people who exercise twice as much as the maximum allowable amount – up to 300 minutes a week, that is, for example, running 5 days a week for 60 minutes – they found that such people have even better health.

They already had a 32% reduction in cardiovascular mortality, a 19% reduction in non-cardiovascular mortality, and a 22% reduction in total mortality from all causes. This data indicates that regular and prolonged physical activity can have even greater health benefits than the usual minimal amount of exercise.

However, even greater health benefits can be obtained by exercising twice the maximum recommended amount, 300 to 370 minutes per week. In this case, cardiovascular mortality is reduced by 32%, non-CVD mortality by 19%, and total mortality by 22%.

In addition, studies have shown that even moderate exercise enthusiasts who do 600 minutes of slow exercise per week can reap significant health benefits. They reduce their risk of death from cardiovascular disease by 33%, from non-CVD diseases by 27%, and their overall mortality rate is 31% lower. Thus, moderate and vigorous physical activity are important factors in maintaining health and reducing the risk of death.

Why Are the Results so Different and What Do They Mean for Our Health?

why are the results so different and what do they mean for our health? - new study reveals optimal amount of exercise for increased longevity

The Copenhagen study included a mixed group of participants who exercised regularly and occasionally. In the new study, however, participants were clearly classified into those who exercised regularly, without any ups and downs. This led to different results and showed that moderate physical activity, such as quiet walking, is just as effective as vigorous physical activity, the only difference being the timing.

This study underscored the importance that moderate and vigorous exercise can be combined to achieve the right amount of time spent exercising. If you have a lot of time, you can do moderate exercise, and if you don’t have much time, intense exercise can help shorten your workout time. You can also combine both types of physical activities, depending on the situation and the individual’s capabilities.


So, a new study shows that regular exercise, even above the maximum recommended levels, can provide additional health benefits and does not cause adverse effects on the cardiovascular system. At the same time, moderate physical activity, such as walking, also has significant health benefits, and is not inferior to more intense types of exercise.

In addition, combining moderate and vigorous activities can help you achieve the right duration of exercise. In any case, regular exercise is important for health and well-being, and the type of exercise you choose depends on personal preference, time availability, and fitness.