Is Cool Whip Gluten Free?

Today we’re going to answer the question is cool whip gluten free for all of those people who have been confused about this over the decades. You might be fond of the idea of cool whip but currently have no idea whether it’s safe for you or not.

This is understandable given that there isn’t any information on the packaging stating whether or not it is in fact safe for those who can’t tolerate gluten very effectively. But we’re going to shed some light on it for you.

Cool Whip Ingredients

To understand whether there is any cool whip gluten content, we first need to look at the ingredient list, which is as follows:

  • Hydrogenated vegetable oil
  • Corn syrup (high fructose)
  • Xanthan gum
  • Guar gum
  • Skimmed milk
  • Normal corn syrup
  • Light cream (under 2%)
  • Beta carotene (coloring agent)
  • Sodium caseinate
  • Water
  • Sorbitan monostearate
  • Sodium polyphosphate
  • Polysorbate 60
  • Artificial and natural flavors

Though there are several different ingredients listed here, there isn’t anything included that contains gluten.

Is Cool Whip Safe and Gluten Free?

topping - is cool whip gluten free

So, in answer to the question is cool whip gluten free. It turns out that yes, it absolutely is. The issue here is that it isn’t specifically listed as such on the product packaging which can lead to a high degree of confusion for those who are trying to steer clear of gluten-based products for various reasons, whether it’s for health or preference.

There can be several reasons why a company might not alter their packaging in this fashion, often in association with the costs involved in altering the wording. Sometimes, however, it can be for marketing reasons.

The simple truth is that dessert products appeal due to their indulgent nature, and when items are listed as having elements removed, this can put some people off purchasing them because they associate this with a loss of flavor. Though this is of course fairly illogical, for a well-loved and long standing product like Cool Whip, this could have disastrous consequences.

As none of the ingredients listed are wheat or gluten-based, this means that it is absolutely a safe product to consume for those with inflammatory digestive diseases including celiac and Crohns. It’s worth mentioning that if you’re lactose intolerant or have any issues with digesting dairy products, then Cool Whip definitely isn’t going to be right for you. Keep this in mind before eating it.


So, there you have it. Cool Whip is absolutely 100% gluten free and safe to consume if your dietary regimen dictates that you can’t have gluten-based products of any kind.

It’s always worth checking the ingredients list on popular products and doing a little research if you have to adhere to strict nutrition requirements because you’d be surprised at how many items you can have that aren’t specifically listed as being gluten free. Enjoy your Cool Whip!