How Many Calories in Egg Drop Soup?

The traditional dish known as egg drop soup is the perfect choice if you’re searching for a hearty and delicious soup that won’t ruin your daily calorie budget. This Chinese-inspired soup has a well-deserved place on the menus of countless people looking for a filling and flavorful meal thanks to its straightforward but satisfying combination of eggs, broth, and delicate seasonings.

Join us as we explore how many calories egg drop soup and delve into its remarkable benefits for both your taste buds and overall well-being. So, let’s cut to the chase – a standard serving of egg drop soup contains approximately 70 to 90 calories per cup, making it a fantastic option for those mindful of their caloric intake.

Egg Drop Soup Nutrition Facts

egg drop soup nutrition facts - how many calories in egg drop soup?

The nutritional information for Egg Drop Soup includes the following key points:

  • Calories: Egg Drop Soup is a tasty option for people watching their calorie intake because it has a manageable number of calories. A typical serving of egg drop soup has about 70-90 calories, of which about 30 calories are from the eggs and 40-60 calories are from the broth.
  • Protein: The eggs used in the preparation of Egg Drop Soup make it a fantastic source of protein. A typical bowl of egg drop soup can contain 12-14 grams of protein, depending on the number of eggs used, since one large egg has about 6-7 grams of protein.
  • Fat: Egg Drop Soup typically has a low fat content, especially when made with a lean broth. Egg Drop Soup typically contains about 2-3 grams of fat per serving, with the majority coming from the eggs and a small amount from the broth.
  • Hydration Benefits: Egg Drop Soup can help you meet your daily hydration goals because it is primarily broth-based. A typical bowl of egg drop soup contains roughly 200–250 milliliters (or 7-9 fluid ounces) of liquid, which helps the body stay hydrated.
  • Vitamin A: Carrots and scallions, which are high in vitamin A, are frequently found in Egg Drop Soup. Depending on the specific recipe and portion size, one serving of egg drop soup can offer 20-30% of the daily recommended amount of vitamin A.
  • Vitamin C: Egg Drop Soup can benefit from adding ingredients like scallions and occasionally even a dash of lemon juice to boost its vitamin C content. 10-20 milligrams of vitamin C, or 11-22% of the daily recommended intake for adults, can be found in one serving of the soup.
  • Iron: Egg Drop Soup can help you get your recommended daily allowance of iron, especially if it has chicken broth as an ingredient. Egg Drop Soup may contain as little as 1-2 milligrams of iron per serving, which is equivalent to 6-11% of the daily recommended intake for adult men and women, respectively.
  • Calcium: Egg Drop Soup may offer a source of this crucial mineral if it contains ingredients like calcium-rich tofu. A typical serving of egg drop soup with tofu could have 100-150 milligrams of calcium, which would account for 10-15% of the adult daily recommended allowance.

Keep in mind that depending on the recipe and the ingredients used, the precise nutrient content can change. It’s always a good idea to review the specific nutritional facts of the Egg Drop Soup you’re eating.

Health Benefits of Egg Drop Soup

health benefits of egg drop soup - how many calories in egg drop soup?

Popular Chinese dish Egg Drop Soup has a number of health advantages. The potential benefits of including Egg Drop Soup in your diet are covered in detail here. Because eggs are the main ingredient in this soup, it is very protein-rich. 

Numerous bodily processes, such as muscle repair, hormone synthesis, and immune system support, depend on protein. Consuming foods high in protein, such as Egg Drop Soup, can help to encourage satiety and support weight management.

Egg Drop Soup is usually low in calories, making it a good choice for people trying to keep their weight in check or cut back on their caloric intake. The soup maintains a low fat content by using a lean broth and little oil during preparation, making it heart-healthy.

Scallions, carrots, and tofu are common extra ingredients in egg drop soup that raise the nutrient content of the dish. These ingredients provide a variety of antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals that support general health. As an illustration, while carrots offer beta-carotene, a precursor to vitamin A, scallions offer vitamins A and C. Calcium, iron, and plant-based protein are all present in tofu.

Egg Drop Soup is suitable for people recovering from illness or with sensitive stomachs because it is mild and simple to digest. The soup’s warmth can be soothing and may be able to ease any discomfort from the stomach. Egg Drop Soup aids in daily fluid intake and promotes hydration because it is primarily broth-based. Digestion, nutrient absorption, and temperature regulation are just a few of the bodily processes that require proper hydration to function.

Egg Drop Soup serves as a flexible foundation that can be customized based on dietary requirements and personal preferences. The flavor and nutritional value of the soup can be improved by adding more vegetables, herbs, or spices. Egg Drop Soup can be prepared quickly and easily with little culinary expertise. This makes it a practical choice for people who lead busy lives or have little time to prepare meals.

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone has different nutritional needs, and that the specific health advantages of Egg Drop Soup depend on the ingredients and serving sizes. Consult with a healthcare provider or registered dietitian for individualized advice and guidance if you have particular dietary concerns or medical conditions.